Data Is Plural

... is a weekly newsletter of useful/curious datasets.

2016.10.19 edition

Manufacturing, county-level health care, macro-financial history, farmers markets, and readers like you.

American manufacturing. The Census Bureau’s Annual Survey of Manufacturers provides state-by-state and industry-by-industry statistics for America’s manufacturing sector. Metrics include the number of employees, annual payroll, “value added,” beginning-of-year inventory, and many more. In 2014, dog and cat food manufacturers employed about 18,000 people nationwide. Related:Why Are Politicians So Obsessed With Manufacturing?” [h/t Scott Stern + RJ Andrews]

County-level health care. Each year, the Department of Health and Human Services updates its Area Health Resources Files, a vast suite of local health care data collated from more than 50 sources. Among the topics covered: the number health care professionals by specialty, various rates of hospital usage, air quality, and demographic profiles. You can download the data, or explore and map it online. [h/t Ricardo Pietrobon]

Global financial history. The Jordà-Schularick-Taylor Macrohistory Database claims to be “the most extensive long-run macro-financial dataset to date.” It contains dozens of variables — GDP per capita, long-term interest rates, and the timing of systemic financial crises, for example — for 17 “advanced economies”. The dataset uses a Creative Commons license and has been extensively documented.

8,675 farmers markets. The Department of Agriculture publishes a spreadsheet of farmers markets in the United States. For each market, the dataset notes its location, hours, and the types of goods available (e.g., vegetables, seafood, flowers, et cetera). [h/t Susie Lu]

Readers like you. Today’s newsletter marks the 50th edition of Data Is Plural, as well as its one-year anniversary. To celebrate, I’ve started publishing a spreadsheet that details each edition’s basic stats — total subscribers, the “open rate,” the number of people who chose to unsubscribe, and more.