Data Is Plural

... is a weekly newsletter of useful/curious datasets.

2018.10.10 edition

Public health laws, English health metrics, public holidays, medical marijuana products, and parking meters.

Public health policy. publishes interactive maps that detail state and federal regulations on dozens of public health–related topics. Among them: e-cigarettes, HIV criminalization, fair housing, syringe distribution, and cell phone use while driving. (You can, for instance, use the e-cigarette map to identify all states where vaping is allowed in hotel rooms but prohibited in public parks.) You can download the underlying data, plus documentation about how the laws were categorized. Bonus: The website, run by Temple University’s Center for Public Health Law Research, will also teach you how to map laws yourself. Previously: The Correlates of State Policy Project (DIP 2016.07.06).

English health indicators. England’s public health department generates quantitative “profiles” of the country’s well-being. The metrics include rates of HPV vaccination, dementia, exercise, diabetes, and much more. The results can be downloaded directly, and also accessed via an API. [h/t Sharon Machlis]

Public holidays. Nager.Date calculates the timing — past, present, and future — of public holidays for more than 90 countries. The holidays can be browsed online, accessed via an API, or downloaded as CSVs (one per country per year). Now you know: Today is Cuba’s Día de la Independencia and Suriname’s Day of the Maroons. [h/t Tino Hager]

Medical marijuana in the Nutmeg State. Connecticut’s Department of Consumer Protection has released a dataset listing all branded medical marijuana products registered with the state. For each of the nearly 4,000 products so far, the dataset describes the producer, brand name, form of dosage, and chemical potencies — plus links to images of each product and label. [h/t Kristin Hussey]

Parking meters in the five boroughs. New York City provides the latitude, longitude, ID number, and current status — active, inactive, retired, planned, and removed — of more than 14,700 parking meters. [h/t Zack Quaintance]