Data Is Plural

... is a weekly newsletter of useful/curious datasets.

2019.10.09 edition

Wealth distributions, parliamentary rules, electricity in rural India, web encryption, and Walter White.

Financial access. Last week, the International Monetary Fund released the results of its 10th annual Financial Access Survey. It’s a “supply-side” dataset; its country-level metrics include, for instance, the number of automated teller machines (mainland China has the most, with more than 1 million) and active mobile banking accounts (Pakistan and Bangladesh are tops). Many of the metrics are also disaggregated by gender.

The rules for making rules. The Parliamentary Rules Database traces “the formal rules of procedure for various parliaments over time.” Currently, the database covers two parliaments — the UK House of Commons and the Irish Dáil. The House of Commons info includes more than 137,000 “standing orders,” going all the way back to 1811. [h/t Erik Gahner Larsen]

Electricity in rural India. Last month, the Smart Power India and the Initiative for Sustainable Energy Policy published Rural Electricity Demand in India, a new survey dataset that “covers 10,000 households and 2,000 rural enterprises across 200 villages in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, and Rajasthan.” Respondents were asked, among other things, how many hours per day they get electricity, whether they have solar panels, and the price they pay for kerosene. [h/t Hisham Zerriffi + Johannes Urpelainen]

Web encryption. Programmer Lee Butterman has built a dataset of the SSL encyryption connections associated with 350 million web domains. For each connection, the dataset indicates the SSL certificate’s issuer, cryptographic algorithms used, and other details. [h/t Jason Norwood-Young]

Walter White and company. Web developer Tim Biles has created an unofficial Breaking Bad API. It provides structured data on every character, episode, and death in the TV series, plus selected quotations.